4 Keys to Facebook Page Marketing: Authenticity, Consistency, Regularity and Engagement

I apologize for posting hurriedly and therefore without much context / commentary... nevertheless, the Altimeter group release this report, "The 8 Success Criteria for Facebook Page Marketing." As if often the case with guiding principles, they are generally intuitive, clear and achievable (of course practice proves to be more challenging!). Altimeter boiled it down to 8 guiding principles (see below) and I would go a step further and get it down to 4: - Authenticity: this extends from being on brand to revealing content (images, insights, etc) from the company and its people.

- Consistency: be consistent in voice and presence

- Regularity: find the right rhythm with which to interact and engage. Too little is a non-starter but too much is equally painful.

- Engagement: more often than not, posts should be interactive and actionable... therefore giving fans and users their own voice

The full report: