In Response to iPad, Amazon Pushing Kindle Through Email, Facebook

As many of us predict the iPad will lead to the Kindle's demise, Amazon has begun pushing the Kindle through email, Facebook and their homepage (in conjunction with Valentines Day).

Here is the Amazon homepage - promoting the Kindle as their best-selling, most-wished-for and most-gifted product, making it a great Valentines gift (which the iPad will not be released in time for):

And here is the email ("Kindle, Amazon's #1 Bestseller") that hit my inbox early this morning - again hinting at a Valentines gift. The email includes Kindle cases (which are also aimed at females). And at the base, there is a prominent banner to follow the Amazon Kindle on Facebook. Considering the success of the Kindle, it is surprising that the page only has 24,000 fans. It is updated quite frequently and is used to promote new titles, unique publications and special deals.